Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kvetch of the Day

What is with these celebutards? Jessica Seinfeld appeared on the Oprah show last week to promote her new cookbook "Deceptively Delicious." One week later the "crook book" is a national bestseller.

And how does Ms. Seinfeld thank the lovely Oprah? By spending more of her hubby's well-earned money and sending the Queen of Daytime Talk not one, not even five, but twenty-one pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes. For those of you without well-heeled prowess, these shoes retail for $800-1400 A PAIR. So basically Little-Miss-Let's-Write-A-Cookbook paid off Oprah in the sum of approximately $16,000-20,000.

Please someone explain to me what is with rich people? At that stage of the game, when you are as roll-in-the-dirt filthy rich as one Oprah Winfrey, and can afford to buy a pair of said Louboutin heels for every woman on the planet, why then is she promoting this shameful act of gluttony and greed by exploiting this gift to the middle-class masses on her show? Shame on you, Oprah, and shame on YOU Jessica! At the point of such wealth, wouldn't a hand-written card and some nice flowers suffice as thanks enough?

Okay, okay, so maybe there's a little jealousy involved in this kvetch. Maybe, just maybe someone could send Ette2 just ONE pair of Louboutin heels as a thank you for one of the many things I give each and every one of you each day. I would be so grateful, I would jump through hoops! I would tell the world how fabulous you are! I would share the thanks in this ever-popular blog.

But pulease no more freebies for squillionnaires.

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