True story...
Saw the Oprah show with Jessica giving her all the shoes. I had a slightly different reaction than ette2; instead of being appalled by the excess, I naturally became incredibly jealous. Look I'll shop at Target and rock those clothes and I even bought a pair of shoes at Payless this weekend - but come on, none of those things have a really shiny cool bright red sole, and I need
that red sole in my life. I've had a hard couple of months and my ex-boyfriend is being so annoying by actually not calling me when I asked him not to call me. (Helloooo , everyone knows "don't call me" means wait a few days then send me a text message saying how much you miss me - duh) So before I saw 2's shoe posting yesterday, I took myself over to Saks, signed up for the Saks card and charged myself a gorgeous, shiny, sexy, red-soled pair of Louboutins - and I love them and I don't feel bad about it one bit. I'm wearing them right now, paired with a ratty wife beater and gym shorts with holes in them. So thanks a lot 2, cause now my mom is going to see this and realize how much these shoes cost and then I'm going to hear all about it. "Well honey if you have money for $800 shoes, then I don't have to pay for your trips to Target anymore do I?" Well mom, to that I answer: I do not have enough money to buy $800 shoes, that's why I charged them. And for the record, they were $500 and I love them and I'll wear them forever. And I should still be getting post-breakup sympathy from all of you so the correct response is: Ette1, you deserve a little treat, enjoy them and wear them well. (EK, we won't mention anything about the flat screen TV)
Saw the Oprah show with Jessica giving her all the shoes. I had a slightly different reaction than ette2; instead of being appalled by the excess, I naturally became incredibly jealous. Look I'll shop at Target and rock those clothes and I even bought a pair of shoes at Payless this weekend - but come on, none of those things have a really shiny cool bright red sole, and I need
that red sole in my life. I've had a hard couple of months and my ex-boyfriend is being so annoying by actually not calling me when I asked him not to call me. (Helloooo , everyone knows "don't call me" means wait a few days then send me a text message saying how much you miss me - duh) So before I saw 2's shoe posting yesterday, I took myself over to Saks, signed up for the Saks card and charged myself a gorgeous, shiny, sexy, red-soled pair of Louboutins - and I love them and I don't feel bad about it one bit. I'm wearing them right now, paired with a ratty wife beater and gym shorts with holes in them. So thanks a lot 2, cause now my mom is going to see this and realize how much these shoes cost and then I'm going to hear all about it. "Well honey if you have money for $800 shoes, then I don't have to pay for your trips to Target anymore do I?" Well mom, to that I answer: I do not have enough money to buy $800 shoes, that's why I charged them. And for the record, they were $500 and I love them and I'll wear them forever. And I should still be getting post-breakup sympathy from all of you so the correct response is: Ette1, you deserve a little treat, enjoy them and wear them well. (EK, we won't mention anything about the flat screen TV)
Louboutin? Sounds more like you had a Lobotomy. I've got a pair or orthopedic shoes that my grandmother wore back in Poland and you can "borrow" those for 500 chicken nuggets.
You are hilarious. I haven't been on for a few days and there was so much to catch up on. Thanks for making me laugh out loud!
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