Thursday, March 13, 2008

Courtesy of 2's Husband-ette

Chuck Norris puts the laughter in manslaughter.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, and his awful toupee is more likely to scare children than will his ancient immitation karate moves. I would bet my left nut that Mr. Muyagi would light Chuck up. Hey, the All-Valley Tournament is coming up pretty soon, let's call Sensei John Kreese and make this happen people.

Anonymous said...

Brotherette said...

Behind Chuck Norris's beard is not a chin, but another FIST!

Additionally, Chuck Norris is the only man on the planet that can slam a revolving door!

Finally, and most importantly, Chuck Norris is the only man that can kill to stones with one bird!

So bring it on Mr. Muyagi. Bring it on!