Friday, March 7, 2008

Horton Hears this movie is going to be good...

... for stoners

I caught this clip last night on some show or trailer, and it seemed kinda awesome. I never read this book as a kid, but it's a Dr. Seuss favorite apparently. An elephant discovers a whole world on a tiny spec on a flower. It's voiced by Jim Carey and Steve Carell. I had like two Bailies last night and was almost tripping watching this thing. I was thinking about what other worlds might exist, are we perhaps living on a spec in another giant universe?! I also wonder what drug Dr. Seuss was on all the time, maybe he tried that stuff that Moses was on.
So the plan is to get blazed and go catch this flick this next. Who's in?

That's right, I enjoy Bailey's Irish Cream after my dinner!

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