Monday, March 24, 2008

Phone envy

I have cell phone envy. In a big way. Everyone has cool fancy blackberries and can surf the web while listening to music, their phones are slim and cute and expensive looking. And here I am strolling around with my big stupid, clunky, works-just-fine-but-isn’t-fancy reliable phone. I hate it. So I made up my mind – I’m getting the iphone! And this weekend, I did. Well my mom got it for me – belated birthday gift. (Thanks mom and dad!) But before you get all up in arms because it’s such an extravagant gift – we bought a refurbished iphone – which basically means someone bought and didn’t love it, and they clean it, box and sell it for half the price – fine by me!

So now I have no time to blog because I’m so busy falling in love with my phone. Want to know the weather for tomorrow – I can tell you. Want to know the weather in London – easy! Interested in learning how your stocks are doing, one touch and you're there. Take pictures, listen to music, access your calendar, get driving directions, send emails, text and watch videos on youtube. Oh yeah and make phone calls. The fact that I will likely only use maybe two of those functions and my fingers are too fat to type on the touch screen is not the point at all. The point is that I now have a fancy phone, which means I’ll take it out and place on the table at every meal, wave it around on the street, talk about it to friends and basically just be obnoxious with it so that it’s clear to everyone that my phone is better than your phone. Now Apple – please take your time in developing the next version of the iphone that will probably cook your dinner for you, because I can’t afford it and can’t deal with the phone envy any more.


Anonymous said...

This is fantastic, now all you need to do is pay the Apple Store to laser-inscribe the back of your device for indentification and/or lost/found purposes. I think "NY's No. 1 J.A.P." will do nicely. Everyone knows who you are anyway.

Anonymous said...

Glad to be in your good graces again(and hope it lasts longer than the iphone, or at least as long as you have it). Keeping it on the table doesn't sound too promising knowing your record on leaving things around... if you know what I mean. Enjoy it and lots of love!