Yeah, okay. So you rely on us to bring you current events as they happen, and bitch and moan about celebs and the like. So we avoided the Spitzer dilemma because quite frankly, we don't care. We are both happy as pigs in poop to see a black and blind man become the governor of our state, thank you very much.
What did the whole Spitzer debacle mean to me? Well pretty much the only flag it raises in my book is, considering the percentage of men in the public eye who are willing to risk everything - and quite frankly, their version of everything is more than us everyday-folk, because their mistakes get smeared all over the papers, the internets, the rag mags...ours just get punished internally - these idiot men in the public eye who cheat on their spouses with shady coworkers, bosses, hookers, massage therapists, strippers, trannies, men, whomever; only leads me to believe that the percentage of unfaithful men in this country is much higher than we thought it was. If the governor of the state of New F-ing York is so horny and stupid that he shuttles a hooker between states, a hooker who CLEARLY knows who he is and his position in politics, and do the dirty deeds that this Spitzer character did with this bimbo, well number one he deserves everything he has coming to him, and number two, where does that leave the rest of our men?
You know what? I am about to change my vote for our next president - I am going to support Hil. Because if we finally get a woman into office, maybe she can dick Bill over and find some young hot Senate ass to mess around with, finally putting stupid men in their place. I'd love to see how a woman will defend herself to the scrutinizing public, and how her hubbie will react. Will he stand by her side as she addresses her mistake to the world? Highly unlikely. The most interesting scandal a woman in the public eye has been the center of? Martha's stock scandal.
My point exactly.
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