Monday, March 17, 2008

Ho No!

The Ettes have been asked why we’ve yet to comment on the recent dealings of our illustrious governor… firstly it’s cause I’ve been busy, but secondly it’s because I’m not surprised. It’s not shocking to me that anyone in public service does something gross or illegal. To aspire to get to that level of power and fame, you have to be a special kind of person, the kind of person who consistently puts yourself first, doing whatever it takes to gain power and remain in power, you have to be the kind of person who wheels and deals, makes “back door” arrangements and doesn’t feel bad about it. Spitzer felt he was above the law, like every other politician. Big deal – not that I’m minimizing, he should lose his job and money and write a book about where he went wrong, blah blah.

The point I take issue with is his wife standing beside him at the press conference. What the hell was that about?! Even if you plan to stay with him and work things out, why the heck do you need to be at the press conference. It was different with Hill and Bill – at the time that he was speaking publicly, he was denying any involvement with Mon. It’s one thing to stand by your man if he’s saying he’s falsely accused, it’s a whole other ball of wax when he’s admitting to screwing a hooker – for years, without a condom, for upwards of 80 grand and so on.

The other issue is this face. If he’s making this face when he’s just talking, can you imagine what he looks like when he’s doing hookers – not a pretty sight.


Anonymous said...

What's a condom?

Anonymous said...

Just a word for the wonderers:

The lack of "back door" accomadations from wifey is precisely what drove Spitzo to see the hooker in the first place.

The. Truth. Can. Hurt.

(P.S. Even though he asked not to, Spitzer did allegedly wear a condom in all of his encounters with Ms. Ashley Dupre. She, not surprisingly, thought only a sincerely skank dude would even consider boning a hooker without a rubb. Now THAT's career suicide.)

Anonymous said...

I am not sure that what Eliot did was actually "wrong." I mean, I've slept with hundreds of men and my wife actually joined in sometimes. Yet I was forced to resign? The standards we Pols are forced to live up to are impossible.

It's like Bruno once said on HBO... "so you seem to be saying that it's ok for me to admire a man's penis on the shower, but the moment I place it in my mouth, some sort of line has been crossed?"

What a world people, what a world.

Anonymous said...

Governor Spitzer is a class act. Unlike me, at least he had the decency to engage in tawdry acts behind closed doors. Unfortunately for me, there were no doors on the airport crapper stalls when I solicited a little man-love.