Thursday, April 17, 2008

So happy for you

When you are in your early twenties and you and your friends are starting to get into serious relationships, it’s always exciting to see who will be the first to get engaged. And then as the years pass, you look forward to attending bachelorette parties and weddings, and it’s all good fun helping your friends plan their big day. As more time goes by you start to wonder when your time will come. Then you talk about it too much with your boyfriend, then you break up and are back to square one. Then of course you get back together and the countdown begins again, but in the meantime your friends are still getting hitched. So now as I’m nearing 30, hearing about someone else’s engagement is not quiet the joy-filled, magical moment it once was. Of course I still react in the same way, big smile, so excited for you, you are going to be a beautiful bride, blah blah, but really I’m thinking how did this bitch get a rock before me?! She and her boyfriend barely even like each other, and I don’t think he knows about that time when she was in Mexico To be honest, I don’t even want to get married right now, I like not having that responsibility and I like being able to send my honey home to his own place when we’ve had enough of each other. But still I can’t seem to find real enjoyment in other people’s happy news. (Ette2 – I’m obviously not talking about you, your wedding was awesome and I was totally happy for you.) So whatever, I guess there’s nothing I can do about it. At this point, basically everyone I know is married or soon to be, so at some point I’ll stop hearing about new engagements, we’ll move on to people having kids and I for sure won’t be jealous of them. Kids are a pain in the ass. (Not my little niece, she’s perfection.) But every other little kid is annoying and snotty.

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