Monday, April 28, 2008

Well, that's one side of the story...

2 provided an interesting recount of the evening’s activities, to which Husbandette offered additional (obnoxious) commentary. As that is one side of the story, let me share the other. It went something like this:

Husbandette: Hey give me the dog, I’m gonna make her like me

1: Nah, lets’ leave her alone, she’s nervous

Husbandette: No, I know what I’m doing, dog’s love me

1: Well, she’s sort of scared, let’s let her come to you

Husbandette: I’m Cesar, its fine hand her over.

Hand off

Dog wails uncontrollably

1: Why don’t you put her down…

Husbandette: No no, this is all part of it, its working.

Dog is so scared of mean non-Cesar man she poops her pants – not Pants, her metaphorical pants

Husbandette doesn’t get the hint, repeat above.

For the record we love 2 and her husband and very much enjoyed their company. We shall not however be inviting them to our modest, yet comfortable and love-filled home again as they are angry people who try to harm innocent little animals who are defenseless against their rage.


Anonymous said...

"Innocent little animal?"

Whilst it may be true that your creature is little, she is neither innocent, nor is she an animal.

Animals include the likes of vipers, leeches, roaches and bats. The difference is that I would rather be "Houdini'ed" in a wooden crate with any/all of those animals ahead of your devil-dog Bam.

BTW, could you possibly have come up with a less appropriate name for the rat-like critter? BAMBI? That would be like that poor dead bear trainer in Hollywood naming his brown-bear "Snuggles."

As to the UES banishment, I've got better things to do with my time anyway although I will always hang out with Pants. He's sort of like when I randomly catch Predator or The Breakfast Club on TNT... you're never getting me to change that channel.

Anonymous said...

Seems like Bam, not surprisingly, has cemented yet another hater. I will say, however, I can't blame the man. We were all nice and sake-d up, and it appeared like he was making a genuine attempt at breaking the feet of ice between Bamboozle and every human not living in said apartment. And let us not forget: she did drop every kind of excrement she could on him, so I'd say he has a right to be pissed off.

But as we all know, a (good) mother will always protect her young, no matter how stinky or disrespectful they may act. So I'm not suprised that Ette1 isn't taking the commentary too well.

But in the spirit of keeping the peace, point taken about our shitty and unfriendly dog -- we're working on a guidance counselor, a Dalmatian perhaps.

Seriously though, had a great time, freshly-squeezed Chihuahua and missing cheesecake ice cream not included.