...in my office and now that I’m the big cheese, it falls to me to critique everyone else’s performance. This is like my version of a wet dream. Although I don’t oft find fault in myself, I’m an expert in pointing it out in others. I used to have a hard time criticizing someone to their face, I was all about doing it behind their back, but for some reason I’m totally over that and have no anxiety dolling out the negative feedback. All these lazy bitches, they just play on myspace all day and read PerezHilton – the thing is he does post several times a day so you do need to check often to stay up on the most current news – at least this is what I’ve heard. But maybe if they concentrated a bit more on their work, there wouldn’t be giant budgetary issues like the one that came up this week – again totally not my fault.
Here are just a few of the real life screw ups we’ll be discussing during reviews.
- 110k in budget overages that were not accounted for – still need to figure out who exactly I’m blaming that on.
- Introducing new spokesperson at an event, but spelling their name wrong on the invite – that cost 5k to make with no time to redo.
- Sending exclusive pitch story to the wrong outlet, intended for NY Times, went to Time Out NY – not exactly the same thing.
- Spending $400 on an editor lunch with just three people… yeah what could they have ordered - basically a jug of vodka - not really appropriate work behavior.
Heads will roll. Good thing we’re not giving raises this round of reviews cause nobody deserves one. Well except for some, me in particular.
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