Friday, May 9, 2008

Since we're on Mother's Day

Thought I'd mention it's my sister's first Mother's Day this year. I won't be buying her a gift - she has a husband and kid for that sort of thing. But I will wish her a happy Mother's Day. I will also aim to embarrass her. We were having our normal morning skype session today when the subject of her child came up - shocking. Here's the actual convo, enjoy.

EK: You should try to get some time with the baby
EK: She is sooooooooo cute

EK: Kills me

KK: So you say

EK: I really love her
EK: So sweet

Kissy face emoticon
EK: I think this has to be the best time, but then I think about when she can talk and I know that's got to be amazing too

KK: Do you think so you love her so much because she is yours, or because she's actually special?

EK: She is really special
EK: I've seen other babies

KK: Ha, yeah but their parents think they are special too

EK: But they don't have discriminating tastes like we do
EK: I mean obviously I'm biased, but she really is cool

KK: yeah, she is

EK: I wouldn't even say she's the cutest thing around (although she is), so I'm not bad like that, but there is something about her that's funny.
EK: Like some parents think they have the cutest baby in the world. I know that she's not your classic beauty, but she's just super. Even cranky, she's got personality.

EK: OK that's all I'll say

EK: Accept that she is a classic beauty and she is the cutest baby in the world

KK: This chat is going on the blog

EK: Seriously?

KK: I think we should share it.

Little AJ, I hope you know how much your mom loves you - try your best to stay sweet and don't do drugs and sleep with boys and stuff. And get her Broadway tickets once a year.


Anonymous said...

This drivel is beyond lame. Tie me up, gag me with tampon and force me to watch Terms of Endearment. This site is going downhil fast.

Anonymous said...

She is extra special, she has a quality about her that is beyond cuteness, gets into your whole being. Heard someone say that when you have kids, it's like wearing your heart on the outside; ditto for grandchildren. Love that face, and her mother's and her aunt's and her uncle's!

Anonymous said...

okay, that is the cutest picture I've EVER seen!! A-DORE-a-ble.