Thursday, May 29, 2008

Video Game Console Me

PS3 smash

So as I mentioned a few weeks ago, I was conned into agreeing to the acquisition of a new PS3 system out of what is otherwise known as male trickery. I have no one to blame but myself, I know, and I was willing to accept the truth and consequences by looking on the bright side of this new addition to the family - what we in the Ette2 family like to call 'quiet time.' I come from a long line of hermits who like to spend time in solitude, not being bothered or cajoled, tickled or turned on. My bro, my dad, my dad's dad...I am the first female with this gene and damnit I plan on taking advantage.

So back to this evening, H-ette decided we should have our white trash Jewtopia dinner...for those of you who haven't dined on this delicacy with us, it's Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper and Challah. And Budweiser. So we had our nice romantical dinner in front of the TV watching Top Chef because that's what we do - we don't have kids yet, we can eat wherever the hell we want and we don't have to set any standard or rules so don't go judging me because I eat crap in front of the television while watching chefs cook really complex meals for a shot at fame. I don't want to be famous, I just want to eat Hamburger Helper.

Anyway, back to this PS3 crap. So I assumed this stupid gaming system would at least buy me some me-time. But see, the thing is - he only wants to play it when I am feeling needy and loving and want attention. When I'd prefer to do my crossword, watch stupid TV or just poo in private, H-ette is always in my mug, like the PS3 isn't even in the room. What's up with that? Shouldn't I have some say in when he gets to play this thing? Like can't I tell him when he can't play (the day after my period, when I am feeling snuggly, when I am feeling really skinny and cute or having a good hair day) and when he must go play? (Bloated days, PMS time, short-fuse moments.)

It's just not right. I think this calls for an equa-purchase. Ebay, here I come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

H-ette, I'm sensing a pattern amongst our two lovers.

Ya dig?