Monday, May 5, 2008

My weekend highlights

I had a pretty eventful weekend, and if I were a really dedicated blogger I’d breakdown all of the activities and provide funny recaps of each one individually. Of course, I’m more of a half-assed blogger and have a real job, so instead I’ll just share the highlights.

Fri night:
Mary J and Jay Z concert: Unbelievable, that woman is the most talented singer in the world, I love her. Sisette and I were one of 12 white girls in all of MSG, which in a way made me feel kind of cool. Well that and the contact high I was getting from being surrounded by blunts. I’m still singing Not Gon Cry. At one point the music started for one of her songs and so the audience started singing and instead of singing herself, MJB just held her mike out to us and we sang the whole freaking thing. Can you imagine what it’s like for a stadium of thousands of people to sing your song to you word for word, must have been awesome for her. Oh and Oprah and Gayle were there and Jodie Foster too – awesome right?!

Sat morning:
Stayed in and watched Atonement, pretty sad, Kiera Knightly is a big fish face.

Sat evening:
Met sisette and bro-in-law to head to house party in Brooklyn for Lawyerette. Uncomfortably sat though sisette fight with husband (I wish they wouldn’t argue in front of the kids.) But they got over it quickly and we made it to the bk in one piece – despite a perilous cab ride. Back story on house party is I was totally not invited, but when Lawyerette got wind that I was upset she quickly sent a fake invite pretending I was invited all along, blah blah and then just to make her feel bad I totally came. And I ate all their brie and shrimp. At the party I met our biggest fan – well, she’s probably not a fan but she reads our blog – so shout out to her. And the good thing is, she was totally cute and cool. You just never know about these people – when Lawyerette said she had a friend that reads the blog a lot you kinda wonder why because you figure it’s only stupid stuff that’s funny to your small group of friends and family, so in your mind you picture a homely girl who stays in a lot. But that was not the case at all, which made me feel cool and relevant.

Sun morning:
Pants came over and we went to the ickiest diner in town and enjoyed a yummy breakfast.
Read newspaper, see that Flight of the Conchords is playing at Town Hall this week, attempt to get tickets, fail, cry. Try calling people who can find tickets to sold out shows, fail, cry. If anyone knows anyone who can get us in, please let me know. I can offer, many favorable blog posts about you and tasty treats.

Sun afternoon:
Despite morning disappointment, Pants and I take the pup to Central Park for a stroll along the ramble, and about halfway through I get a wicked case of the poos and we need to jump in a cab and head home. Might have had something to do with the yummy breakfast at the icky diner. Home, poo, nap.

Sun evening:
Pants and I meet Sisette and Angel Baby for grocery shopping to buy meat for meatballs. Hold baby in supermarket, arm almost gives out due to extraneous weight. Pants buys me flowers to show off in front of Sisette, but whatever, they are gorg, and I love them. Return home, make delicious meatballs – the trick is to sautee the onions and garlic before adding to meaty mix. Enjoy meatballs.

Sun night:
Convince Pants to go see Baby Mamma. Could have waited for video, but whatev.

In all, it was a lovely weekend.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like... the worst.weekend.ever. I guess the part about you having to poo really badly is cool, but everything else seems like a bad episode My So-Called Life, only worse.

Anonymous said...

don't talk about my new BFF like that.

Anonymous said...

So glad you crashed the party.