Ryan Seacrest. He’s so freaking obnoxious, I don’t know why anyone likes him and the worst part of it is that you can’t escape him, he’s everywhere, he has like 10 shows on TV right now. He does American Idol, twice a week, which I do not watch since Ruben Studdard – that show is so over, I don’t understand the appeal anymore. He does E! News, which I do watch, but despite of him. He has a radio show which he pimps out on E! News every week and now he’s in talks to take over Larry King Live – what are they going to call it?!- blech. This is like the Carson Daly phenomenon of a few years ago – remember when he was everywhere – then he became anorexic and I guess he still has a late night show that no one watches. The thing is Ryan is completely devoid of charm. I guess he’s good at reading cue cards, and he’s tiny so he doesn’t look too giant on TV, but really other than that, I don’t see any redeeming qualities. And you can tell that everyone who works with him hates him, and not in a fun Regis and Kelly way where they kid each other, they actually dislike him, Giuliana looks like she's going to be ill when he touches her on E!. And you know Simon can't stomach his annoying ass. And now he’s “dating: one of the retarded girls from that show about a tanning salon, also on E! of course. Whatev, he’s gay – not that there’s anything wrong with that. But you so know soon he’s going to become a scientologist to hide it like Tom and John Travolta. Can Hollywood really not find another guy, who's actually fun and interesting to host a show. I'm on the search and will be suggesting options via this blog.
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