Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Commercials That Suck

Okay, I know I shouldn't complain; DVR has been created just for this purpose, to be able to fast forward through the annoying commercials. But there are a few commercials that just straight up blow, yet they are like train wrecks; I have to watch them every time they are on so I can comment each time.

The first on this list is the IO Digital Cable commercial that is targeted at the Latino community. There is a rapper who reminds us of Big Pun without the "play-a." You guys know the one I am talking about...he's cruising around on a Sea-do and there are dancers. It's really just absurd and I am not sure why it's necessary to be played at every commercial break. It does not make me want to switch to IO Digital Cable. In fact, it makes me want to get rid of television altogether.

The second is the Text Message commercial from Cingular. You know, where the granny's all "I'm just texting my bff Rose, wtf?" This commercial is stupid. Texting using acronyms is SO last year. Everybody knows that 2008 is all about smart-text. Or misspelling. Errors are cool. Texting grannies are not.

And the other annoying commercial that I can't stand is the latest Publisher's Clearing House commercial...they must shoot these commercials in Podunk, Alabama or something because the winners always look like they just came out of hiding from a cave...the most annoying reaction is the one of the woman who says to her husband "and I thought you were just wasting your time on the Internets!" Yeah lady, let me break it down for you. Your hubbie IS wasting his time on the Internets, filling out sweepstakes forms in between looking at kiddie porn. And that money you just won? Well it just upped you to a much higher tax bracket than you were when making $18,000 a year (joint income) and now the government is going to take about 90% of your winnings so they can erect a golden statue of the Nabisco elves in your town and so what you thought was a nice $5,000 a-week-for-life nut is more like $5.65 a month after your hubby pays off the attorney to keep him out of trouble for the online predator charges, and you buy your bulk cigs from the reservation and you finally get that broken down tractor towed from your front yard. So go buy a forty, invite the neighbors over and watch yourself on tv. They play your commercial WAY too frequently.

The only thing worse than annoying commercials? Annoying commercials at the movie theater, when you've paid $12 a ticket and they bombard you with ones you CAN'T fast forward through. But that's another post...

Do you have your own thoughts on the most annoying commercial? Add them to the comments section.


Anonymous said...

EYYYYEEEEE-OOHHHHHHHH... Deeegitallll Caaayyyyybulllll... I said, EYYYYEEEEE-OOHHHHHHHH... Deeegitallll Caaayyyybulllllll...

Anonymous said...

"I'm-a put in on the table for $39.95, sign the dotted line if ya able . . ."

Easily the most annoying and counter-productive Hispanic-themed ad in the history of television. Bigs up, J-Lo.

Anonymous said...

Here's another gem... has anyone seen that Kia commercial that is a take-off of the "memorable" dance in seen in FLASHDANCE? I mean, really... as if I was ever going to be caught dead in a Kia dealership anyway, but this spot makes me want to become an arsonist.