Watched Moment of Truth last night. This is testament to the age we live in. Nothing is sacred, no stone left unturned for entertainment sake and shock value. Basically the show is pretty much perfect. Granted, I would feel a lot better if I had come up with the formula for such a TV show; it wouldn't have been too hard as I helped pioneer the "Two Truths and a Lie" game on the Howard Stern Show. Alas, making a gazillion dollars for a ridunkulous idea will have to wait a little longer. I'm just saying...
Now if you haven't heard about the show, go ahead and crawl out of your hole where you are knitting and turn on the telly; there's basically a commercial for it every 32 seconds. If you did not watch the season premiere last night, here's a quick little synopsis - Mark Walberg hosts (not the hotty actor, the dude who basically hops around to different game shows and hosts half-heartedly). The contestant is pre-screened off-camera with a polygraph test where he/she is asked about 50 personal questions. Then the contestant comes on stage and Mark chooses 21 of the 50 questions to ask on stage in front of the audience, in front of the contestant's family and in front of all of America. Their answer is determined either true or false based on the results of their prior polygraph. Duh.
Now all in all, this show rocked. However I was under the impression that these lab rats were gonna be strapped in to the polygraph right there on stage and we'd be able to see the little squiggly lines moving up on some big overhead or something like that. Now THAT would have been sensational.
Last night an ex-pro football player sat in the hot seat while his gorgeous wifey and two friends sat on the sidelines...he was asked such questions as "If your wife developed a fat stomach would you encourage her to have lipo?" Big football star dork replies "yes." He's asked "is the reason why you haven't had children yet with your wife is because you don't see being with her in the long term?" Pea for brains answers "yes." He's asked "As a personal trainer have you ever touched a woman client's body inappropriately?" Stupid athlete answers "yes." All as the audience sits on their hands in anticipation of hotty wifey's reactions to each question. She managed to keep cool for the cameras, but I have a feeling that the $10k this loser walked away with won't be enough to cover his divorce attorney's fees.
Sigh, reality television is so rewarding.
1 comment:
That show sucked. It was like watching five-year old reruns of Who Wants to be a Millionaire... only there are no millions being played for. Give me some HELLGA T and A on American Gladiators over this crap any day!
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