Don't know about you but in my family we like to designate dumb nicknames for our loved ones. There's something about having your own and giving other people nicknames that brings you all just that much closer together. It says to the world: "We are connected in a unique and quirky way, we are a part of a special little club all our own - it's not for you to understand or approve of, but if you get close enough we may just give you a nickname too and you know you want one!"
Here are some examples of dumb nicknames in my circle:
Random names (No real good reason for these names, they just happen):
I call my ex (potentially future) boyfriend: Pants (Why you ask? Because he wears pants)
He calls me: Face (Similar reasoning)
My sister and brother-in-law call their kid: Monkey (My sister totally stole Face and tries to call the baby that, but I put a stop to it, nicknames cannot be shared, more on that later!)
Rhyming names (Sometimes just adding a prefix or suffix to a name makes it funnier, or just saying a word that sorta sounds like a name):
I call my brother who's name is Elan: Flan (It has a cool Mexican flair)
Same for my sister: Felise
2 calls her husband: Honna (I'm assuming this is some form of honey)
Combo names (This works for couples only):
We have friends named Stacy Sarfatti and Paul Rustin, so we call them: Paul Giammati
Then there is Pamela Sandler and Alan Echtenkamp: Sandlerkamps (or as I penned last night PAL)
Bizarro names (There are reasons for these names, but they basically make no sense):
I call my brother-in-law: Babies (The reason is, one day I overheard my sister on the phone with him and she called him Babes, so I made some snide remark about referring to him in the plural, then decided to take it a step further and call him Babies - and it stuck.)
He calls me: Babies (For no good reason at all, I just started calling him Babies and he started calling me Babies right back. I tried to tell him that you can't just steal a nickname like that but he doesn't get it. It makes family functions a little confusing and also totally weird.)
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