Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Me and thousands of gay men and packed into the WAMU theater at MSG last night to see Kathy Griffin perform 2 hours of completely new material – that girl works hard for the money. The show kicked off with a video montage of all her TV appearances, she one voiced a Simpson character, she’s been on Seinfeld a few times, that dumb Brooke Shields show and of course her own reality show. She sashays out onto the stage to Britney’s Gimme More and then jumps right in. We touched on Britney of course, little Jamie Lynn, the Tom Cruise video, insider Scientology craziness, she did a killer rip on Oprah’s favorite things episode and the segment she did in Mississippi about being fat, etc, a ton on her billionaire boyfriend and we wrapped up with a Liza Minnelli joke. In all it was completely juicy and satisfying. I continue to LOVE her, and still aspire to be her, also because she’s totally skinny and cute.

The only drawback was not enjoying the show from the comfort of my couch. I guess I’m like a thousand-year-old woman these days, but I can’t tell you how annoyed I was by all the qays shrieking laughing in the audience, and of course there was one girl who sat right behind me who repeated every goddamned thing Kathy said. “OMG she said vagina, did you hear that, she just said vagina.” “Oh no Scientology, she’s talking about Scientology,” I wanted to kill this girl. And then we were sitting by the aisle and for some reason every freaking person in my row wanted to get up at least twice during the show, then of course they have to come back and we have to stand up all over again. I know I should just suck it up and enjoy a fun night out for a live performance but that’s not in my nature.

And yet, it was an awesome night. Thanks Felize and Babies!


Anonymous said...

Who the phuck is Buzz Stephens? Listen pal, maybe you didn't notice, but this site is for complaining and random musings and/or observations about meaningless crap. How dare you sully the fine Kvetchette name with your useless post likely generated by an automated and maniacal software program obsessed with Judy effin Garland.

Anonymous said...

Well put Lightyear, well put.

Anonymous said...

Buzz, your ideas intrigue me, and I wish to suscribe to your magazine or newsletter